3 Easy Black Friday Ideas for Small Business

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black friday ideas for small business3 Easy, Last-Minute Black Friday Ideas for Small Business You Can Use

The holidays are a busy time for every small business. And you are looking for Black Friday ideas for your small business?  In the past few months, you’ve probably ordered additional inventory, stocked the shelves, and hired additional staff to handle the rush.  Now you are ready!  But are you?  Do you have a plan to bring those customers to your storefront or website?

With so much to do, devoting time to planning your Black Friday ideas may have been overlooked – but it’s not too late! That’s why we’ve created a list of last-minute marketing ideas to make sure your business brings in the Black Friday bucks.  These three simple, easy-to-implement strategies will have your customers coming back time and time again.


1.  Make sure you email your hot deals to your customers

Black Friday shoppers are bargain hunters. The expectation for steep discounts is high. So, create a holiday email that offers shoppers a discount they can’t refuse.  See our article on connecting with holiday shoppers here.

Of course, as a small business, matching the door-busting deals that big box stores offer is tough to do. If you can’t offer a similar discount, make up for it by offering additional incentives.

  • For example, offer free samples.
  • Make their shopping experience memorable with live music or hot cider.
  • If you run a boutique pet supply store, offer as much of a discount as you can and throw in a free grooming session for the following year.
  • If you sell electronics, mention your one-on-one customer service or training courses in your email.
  • Think outside of the box.  Customers want to be treated like they are special.  How can you up your customer experience level to make them want to purchase from you?

Remember, a good deal isn’t defined solely by price. Point out your strengths to sweeten that last-minute holiday deal.  Entice them to support your small business!  And make it easy to do business with you.  Include your website, contact information, and easy links to buy.


2.  Create a holiday gift guide

Shoppers need inspiration. Help them out by creating a gift guide. Pick five of your products and create the equivalent of a digital sales flyer, showcasing each of the products and their price.  And include why they would be a good gift to give to family, friends, or business associates.

Black Friday is traditionally a day for big box retail stores to offer major discounts, but small businesses can also take advantage of the holiday shopping frenzy. For service-based businesses, consider offering discounted gift certificates or packages. These make great gifts for friends and family looking to try out your services, and can also serve as an opportunity for new clients to sample what you have to offer.

Another Black Friday option is to offer bundles or specials on products that complement your services. This could include special skincare sets for a beauty salon or discounted training packages for a personal trainer. Ultimately, Black Friday is the perfect time to showcase the unique offerings of your small business and attract new customers. So get creative with your holiday gift guide ideas and boost those sales!

You can tweak these Black Friday ideas and use them in several ways. Here are a few other gift-guide Black Friday ideas:

  • Gifts for Her
  • Gifts for Him
  • Five gifts you missed this season
  • Our five hottest gifts for less than $25
  • Affordable gifts your parents will love
  • Our hottest service plans at the lowest prices

Once you’ve created your gift guide, make sure you cross-promote it. Put it in an email to send to your entire list, put the guide on your blog, and highlight one gift from your guide each day on social media.  During the holiday shopping season, you want to maximize your exposure.

3. Grab attention with social media

Don’t forget to include all of these holiday ideas on your social media platforms.  This holiday season, turn to your social media channels where you already have an audience full of shoppers waiting for your Black Friday updates.  Take a look at a few creative Black Friday ideas that retailers have used in the past. Use these suggestions to spark your own Black Friday ideas and cash in on the Black Friday buzz.

  • Donate a portion of the sale to charity
  • Give away gift cards or discounts to new social media fans
  • Start your Black Friday and Cyber Monday promotions early
  • Offer shoppers a free gift
  • Cross-sell and upsell
  • Create a bundle of products or services
  • Offer a customer-friendly return policy
  • Reward your loyal customers
  • Create a contest
  • Let them know of the experience they will have when they shop with you – your free cider, your give-aways in store

These are just a few Black Friday Ideas, also to be used for Cyber Monday and the whole holiday shopping season.  Remember, on your social media, be personable and social.  Don’t just post the sale, have personality.

I hope this Black Friday Ideas for Small Business article has helped inspire you to think outside the box to promote your business.  Whether you’re looking for ways to increase traffic to your site or boost sales, we can help. Let us know how we can assist you this holiday season – Vickie at Through Fresh Eyes is excited to work with you and help make your Black Friday a success!

And if you want to improve your online presence year-round, contact me.  Through Fresh Eyes, as a small business SEO consultant specializes in:

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