New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business’s Success – Let’s Look at Some Key Success Factors in Business
The beginning of the year is a good time to reflect on your business’s progress over the past year and plan how you want your business to develop in the upcoming year and beyond. Determine your New Year’s Resolutions for your business by sitting down and coming up with a plan.
Do you want increased success in the coming year or the chance to enjoy the success you’ve achieved? Or of course – both! Here is the start of my list of New Year’s resolutions that are designed to help you discover a better work-life balance, enabling you to achieve a truly satisfying success in the New Year with New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business.
New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business – Key Success Factors in Business
1) Set realistic goals
Goal setting is a valuable habit – if the goals lead to success rather than distress. This is why they need to be realistic. Setting goals help you measure what you are doing, and if you are doing it well. It helps you make decisions easier. Make a New Year’s resolution that the goals you set will be goals that are achievable, rather than unrealistic pipe dreams that are so far out of reach they only lead to frustration.
Setting goals for the coming year can be really exciting, but it’s important to remember that they should only lead you toward success. Setting too tough or unrealistic a challenge could cause more harm than good in this case so make sure your resolutions are achievable – otherwise, all we’ll end up doing is setting ourselves up on another failure diet!
2) Learn how to delegate and do more of it
We all know the feeling of being overwhelmed by our work life. There are so many things to do when you’re running a small business, and it’s easy to think that we need to do all of them ourselves. Then we wonder why we’re so tired and frazzled and have no time to do anything else… not to mention don’t get everything done! But there are ways to get more done in less time without sacrificing quality or creativity!
The first step is to determine what is best done by you, and what tasks you can easily and more effectively outsource. Either hire someone for the task or have an employee manage what you choose to delegate. Some things are easier to outsource than others. Delegation is the key to a healthy work-life balance.
3) Promote your business regularly and consistently
We all know the feeling of putting off marketing for too long. Too often the task of promoting a small business slips to the bottom of the to-do list in the press of urgent tasks. We tend to put it off until business is “slow” and realize we should have done it.
If you want to attract new customers, you have to make promotion a priority – in order to keep the flow of customers consistent. You may be able to avoid this by making a New Year’s resolution not only to promote your business regularly and consistently but also to automate parts of it so that you don’t have as much on deck when things are busy. If you are looking for a great automation specialist, give Ryan at Automize a call!
The task can feel overwhelming – especially if there is no specific plan about how best to go about doing what needs to be done! Make a New Year’s resolution to take the time to create an online plan on your own and follow through. Or hire an online presence expert – this may be one of those things it makes more sense to outsource. Through Fresh Eyes can help you here.
4) Don’t make do; if something is broken – fix it or replace it
This includes things … and employees. Is there a piece of equipment in your office that’s interfering with your success or something that you lack that’s making your working life harder? Do you have an old printer or computer that’s a pain to use? Or do you have an employee that needs more training to lighten up your workload? Make a New Year’s resolution to stop putting off getting and doing what you need. The irritation of making do just isn’t worth it. You can spend more time trying to make something work than it would cost you to replace it!
5) Join a new business organization or networking group
There’s nothing like talking to other business people for sparking new ideas, refine old ones, and make new contacts. Joining an organization that encourages the sharing of ideas and knowledge with other like-minded individuals can be a great way to get your mind working again.
Whether it’s a group specifically designed for networking or an organization dedicated to a particular type of business, in person or online, making the effort to be a part of a group will revitalize you and your business.
New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business – Key Success Factors in Business
Here are a few to start thinking about … next week – I’ll continue with more ideas! The new year is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. Hopefully, you now have a few ideas of resolutions to make for your business. Whatever you do, make sure that you keep track of your progress and continue to work on these goals throughout the year. Keep in mind that it may take some time to see results, but if you stay focused and motivated, you will be successful. What are your New Year’s resolutions for your business? Let us know in the comments below!