What does your storefront look like?

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storefrontWhat does your storefront look like?

Are you inviting your potential customers to step into your business, or are you leaving them disinterested and walking away from your competition?  Is your storefront inviting?  Does it really tell about what you do?  What do you offer? Your personality?

It is amazing how so many business owners assume that once they open their doors, the customers will just come in.  There is still the battle of getting them INTO your store and your storefront plays a huge part in this.

Storefront Examples

This was brought to mind as I was wandering in a tourist area in Tahoe last weekend.  I love wine and wine tasting, and I saw a place whose name made it sound like a wine-tasting room or bar.  But that was all the information I had from the street.  That is ok, it made me want to wander to the storefront.

But there they lost my interest.  Just the name, a window that you could see the bar, a guy behind the bar looking bored.  No other signage.  It didn’t tell me what they specialized in, did they offer tastes, food, or wine by the glass?  Bottles for sale?  Did they offer local wines? International wines? Wine accessories?  There was nothing to make me want to step into their store.

What does your storefront look like?

Discover California – my old store. Sign shows what we have, and displays right inside the door show more

Does it invite your customers in, or does it not even pique their interest?  I am sure that you have looked at it so many times that you don’t really know.  You need to have someone look at it from a disinterested party – someone new.

Someone who will tell you the truth, let you know what it needs, and what would draw people in.  Someone to take a look at it Through Fresh Eyes.

Then do some research.  Who are your customers?  What draws them in?  What are they looking for?  Survey them to get some ideas – it is easy!  Then make it happen and get them walking through your door!

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