Want to Market Smarter? Identify Your Ideal Clients First!

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IDENTIFY YOUR IDEAL CLIENTSDo you know who your ideal clients are?  Do you know how to identify your ideal clients?  It is a process, but one that is worth going through.  Take the time to figure it out, so you don’t waste valuable time and money marketing to people who really would not want to buy from you in the first place.  Find your ideal client and focus on them.

First, determine, are you selling business to business or business to consumer?  That helps in starting the process.  Remember, we can’t market to everyone.  We need to narrow our marketing down to our true ideal client.

If your ideal client is a consumer, then ask … Are they local?  Or from anywhere in the world.  What is their income range?  What are their likes and dislikes?  There are more questions to drill down to in order to fine-tune your marketing … these are just a few.

If you are in the business-to-business market, then ask … What industry are they in?  What are their position and title?  Are they in a certain geographical area?  What is the big problem they are facing? What are their goals and mandates?


All of this information on your ideal client is important in order to figure out how to reach more of them, using a marketing plan geared towards them … not just anyone.  The more you know about your ideal clients, the better you can fine-tune your marketing strategy to find more of these clients.  It is a process and always needs to be “fine-tuned”.

One of the easiest ways to figure this out is to ask your current clients questions.  When you start finding out the common denominators, you’ll learn how to market to find more clients like them.

Don’t start spending money and marketing until you have determined this.  You don’t want to just be throwing your hard-earned money away.  It is better to work smarter, not harder.

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